"Hapus app yg tidak penting"

BBM Android Di Play Store Reviewnya Palsu [Banyak Spam Komen Dari Indonesia]

review palsu bbmBlackBerrry mengklaim menerima unduhan 5-10 juta aplikasi BBM. Menjadikannya banyak mendapat nilai 5 bintang dan review positif. Tapi ada yang salah dengan review yang masuk, kebanyakan bernada sama.

Seperti review berikut:

Thank you Thank you so much Blackberry Team. I was waiting this app. Its really great user friendly and smooth

Menurut Android Police spam review ini diperkirakan datang dari India dan Indonesia.

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Review spam tersebut sebenarnya tak dikehendaki BlackBerry, seperti pernyataan mereka berikut:

We have recently been made aware of a number of potentially fake five-star reviews of BBM for Android on Google Play. We do not approve of or condone such activities and are committed to working with Google to resolve this. There are also many genuinely great and useful reviews from our new BBM users on Google Play. We would like to encourage our passionate fans and users to continue to provide true assessments of the BBM experience through the proper channels.

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BlackBerry mengatakan sebenarnya banyak pula review yang asli dan jujur. Namun demikian mereka akan bekerja sama dengan Google untuk mengatasi review spam yang mengganggu.

via Android Police


2 comments on “BBM Android Di Play Store Reviewnya Palsu [Banyak Spam Komen Dari Indonesia]

  1. iska says:

    sudah biasa kayak gitu yo 😀
    ga usah kaget

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