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Layanan Ubuntu One Dinonaktifkan

Salah satu fitur  “gratisan” yang sangat menarik dari Ubuntu adalah  layanan penyimpanan file online bernama Ubuntu One, yaitu fitur penyimapanan file secara online layaknya Google Drive, Skydrive, DropBox, dsb.

Saya yang menyimpan banyak sekali file penting maupun “tak penting” di sana, betapa kagetnya ketika mendapat email bahwa layanan Ubuntu One akan dinonaktifkan per tanggal 1 Juni 2014. 

Berikut email dari Tim Ubuntu One,

From: Ubuntu One <noreply@one.ubuntu.com>
Date: Sat, Apr 12, 2014 at 10:11 PM
Subject: Ubuntu One file services
To: airinjaya@gmail.com
We are writing to you to notify you that we will be shutting down the Ubuntu One file services, effective 1 June 2014. This email gives information about the closure and what you should expect during the shutdown process.As of today, it will no longer be possible to purchase storage or music from the Ubuntu One store. The Ubuntu One file services apps in the Ubuntu, Google, and Apple stores will be updated appropriately.

As always, your content belongs to you.  You can simply download your files onto your PC or an external hard drive.  While the service will stop as of 1 June, you will have an additional two months (until 31 July 2014) to collect all of your content. After that date, all remaining content will be deleted.

If you have an active annual subscription, the unused portion of your fees will be refunded. The refund amount will be calculated from today’s announcement.

We know you have come to rely on Ubuntu One, and we apologise for the inconvenience this closure may cause.  We’ve always been inspired by the support, feedback and enthusiasm of our users and want to thank you for the support you’ve shown for Ubuntu One. We hope that you’ll continue to support us as together we bring a revolutionary experience to new devices.

The Ubuntu One team

Sebenarnya bukan hal yang berlebihan jika Ubuntu One ditutup. Itu karena Ubuntu akan lebih fokus pada Sistem Operasi, sementara di luar sana masih banyak penyimpanan online yang tidak kalah saing, seperti Google Drive dan sebagainya.

Bagi Anda yang tidak ingin kehilangan berkas-berkas berharga Anda di Ubuntu One, segera lakukan backup berkas baik ke media penyimpanan online lain atau ke hardisk eksternal Anda. Jika sampai dengan 1 Juni 2014 file kita belum sempat dipindahkan maka secara otomatis sistem akan menghapus file tersebut.


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